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Laravel SQL Result Different Than MySQL Query

From my various searches, I suspect he below issue stems from the fact that I am using GROUP BY. However, none of the examples I cam across were as simple as mine and their solutions ended up being something I couldnt grasp. I hope you can help me work out what is going wrong here?

I have this query with several joins which I am using in my app. When I run the query in a mysql client (SQLYog) remotely connecting to the homestead VM - I get the correct results. When I SSH into the VM and run MySQL and run the query, I get the correct results. When the query is run in Laravel/the app however, the results are different and I dont understand why!


SELECT monthly_contribution, COUNT(*) AS contributors FROM students
INNER JOIN student_bursaries ON
INNER JOIN student_bursary_statuses ON
LEFT JOIN student_medical_aids ON students.`id`=student_medical_aids.`student_id`
INNER JOIN bursary_administrator_student ON students.`id`=bursary_administrator_student.`student_id`
WHERE student_bursary_statuses.`status` IN (1,4,6,7) AND 
GROUP BY monthly_contribution

MySQL results:

| monthly_contribution | contributors |
|                50.00 |          151 |
|                 NULL |            7 |
|               150.00 |            4 |
|               100.00 |            1 |
|               250.00 |            3 |

Laravel results:

| monthly_contribution | contributors |
|                50.00 |          141 |
|                 NULL |            2 |
|               150.00 |            4 |
|               100.00 |            1 |
|               250.00 |            2 |

I tried COUNT(monthly_contribution) but that returns the count of NULL value as 0 - and I need the count there. Also, it doesnt fix the miscounts of the others anyway, so its not that.

I did use Log::debug(DB::getQueryLog()); and it did output the same query so doesnt appear to be an issue there either:

Laravel Code:

    $medical_aids = DB::select('SELECT monthly_contribution, COUNT(*) AS contributors FROM students
                                        INNER JOIN student_bursaries ON
                                        INNER JOIN student_bursary_statuses ON
                                        LEFT JOIN student_medical_aids ON students.`id`=student_medical_aids.`student_id`
                                        INNER JOIN bursary_administrator_student ON students.`id`=bursary_administrator_student.`student_id`
                                        WHERE student_bursary_statuses.`status` IN (:status) AND 
                                        GROUP BY monthly_contribution',
            'status' => '1,4,6,7',
            'bursary_administrator_id' => \Auth::user()->userable_id

Laravel Log File:

[2021-07-16 10:44:34] local.DEBUG: array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'query' => 'SELECT monthly_contribution, COUNT(*) AS contributors FROM students
                                            INNER JOIN student_bursaries ON
                                            INNER JOIN student_bursary_statuses ON
                                            LEFT JOIN student_medical_aids ON students.`id`=student_medical_aids.`student_id`
                                            INNER JOIN bursary_administrator_student ON students.`id`=bursary_administrator_student.`student_id`
                                            WHERE student_bursary_statuses.`status` IN (:status) AND 
                                            GROUP BY monthly_contribution',
    'bindings' => 
    array (
      'status' => '1,4,6,7',
      'bursary_administrator_id' => 1,
    'time' => 1.83,

Please advise if you need more data?


  • What I see in your query is that you are using binded parameters in IN() function. If you want to use that you have to bind each of them. For example:

    DB::select("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (?,?,?,?)", [1,2,3,4]);
    DB::select("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (:status1,:status2,:status3,:status4)", [
      'status1' => 1,
      'status2' => 2,
      'status3' => 3,
      'status4' => 4,

    In your case you can use join statement in your query.

    DB::select("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (". DB::connection()->getPdo()->quote(implode(',', [1,2,3,4])) . ")");

    Or User Larave's ORM to build query.

    Or Implement some other complex logic, Which I don't recomend.