Before I publish an Android app I'd like to run it through proguard. When attempting to build with progaurd I receive an error:
[2011-07-26 11:11:17 - app_name] Error: C:\Users\User\Galileo (The system cannot find the file specified)
After reading through some threads I found that progaurd won't work if the path has spaces. Well, the default workspace that Eclipse created has a space:
c:\Users\User\Galileo Workspace\
So, I went to the workspace folder and changed the name of the workspace folder from:
Galileo Workspace
...hence removing the space from the path.
When I did this, two things workspace couldn't be found (not a big deal, just switching the workspace corrects this issue). The problem is that all of my alias information is gone. And the biggest problem of them all:
When trying to export my android projects with keystores I've created before changing the workspace, they no longer work.
How can I change the name of my workspace folder and remove the space in the path so that none of my aliases or existing keystores are affected?
In file, I was originally telling eclipse where to look like this:
I changed this line to tell the eclipse the entire path like this and the project was successfully built:
Anyone know why? Is it the space in the path to my workspace folder that caused the initial error or could it be my Eclipse setup?