I'm trying to make a Many-To-One relation (each Book
has one Category
, but there are many Book
with the same Category
Nest always throws this error: [ExceptionHandler] Foreign key for "Book" is missing on "Category".
Why do I need a foreign key in my Category model ? Isn't it supposed to be the opposite, the Book that have a foreign key for the Category?
@Table({tableName: 'BOOK'})
export class Book extends BaseModel<Book> {
... some fields
@ForeignKey(() => Category)
@Column({field: 'CATEGORY_ID'})
categoryId: number // Category ID stored in my Database
@HasOne(() => Category)
category: Category
@Table({tableName: 'CATEGORY'})
export class Category extends BaseModel<Category> {
@Column({field: 'NAME'})
name: string
@BelongsTo(() => Book)
book: Book
export class BaseModel<T> extends Model<T> {
@Column({field: 'ID', primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true, type: DataType.BIGINT })
id: number;
... some other stuff
Thank you
Solved, I made it so the Category has a list of Book.
@Table({tableName: 'BOOK'})
export class Book extends BaseModel<Book> {
... some fields
@ForeignKey(() => Category)
@Column({field: 'CATEGORY_ID'})
categoryId: number // Category ID stored in my Database
@BelongsTo(() => Category)
category: Category
@Table({tableName: 'CATEGORY'})
export class Category extends BaseModel<Category> {
@Column({field: 'NAME'})
name: string
@HasMany(() => Book)
book: Book[]
Now working as expected