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How to use shared preference to save user selected language with bloc approach

I have a bloc cubit to change language from English to Arabic and when I click on change button the language change successfully , but when I'm closing the app and return again the default language is return to work .

this is my language cubit

class LocaleCubit extends Cubit<LocaleState> {
  LocaleCubit() : super(SelectedLocale(Locale('ar')));

  void toArabic() => emit(SelectedLocale(Locale('ar')));

  void toEnglish() => emit(SelectedLocale(Locale('en')));

and this is the usage in main

supportedLocales: AppLocalizationsSetup.supportedLocales,
            locale: localeState.locale,

so can anyone know how to use shared preference to save the language value when user open the app again .


  • You can inject the sharedPreferences object into the Cubit.

    class LocaleCubit extends Cubit<LocaleState> {
      final SharedPreferences _preferences;
    LocaleCubit(this._preferences) : super(SelectedLocale(Locale(_preferences.getString('locale')??'ar')));
    // Here we initialize the object to the last saved locale and default to 'ar' if there is none
    // Method that saves and emits the new locale
      void _changeLocale(String locale) { 
      void toEnglish() => _changeLocale'en');
      void toArabic() => _changeLocale('ar');

    Your Cubit has the same API as before , only that now the values are being saved on each state change, and the SharedPreferences must be passed to the constructor.