Apologies if this is a dumb question but...
I am still getting to understand docker, but can't seem to find an answer to when you would use one of the following over the other in a docker-compose.yaml file:
- type: bind
source: /c/docker/tool/log
target: /opt/distribution/log
- "c:/docker/tool/log:/opt/distribution/log"
Are the above two snippets equivalent to each other? They appear to do the same job - but I am not sure if I am missing some key points with the bind version.
You are on the right track. There always is a long version where you can define all parameters in detail and there is a short track that allows you to mount a volume with default settings. Refer to the documentation. The doc always lists both options. https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3/#volumes