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PostgreSQL: how to see which table RULEs exists

We are using RULEs on tables instead of TRIGGERs for auditing purposes.

Is there a way to see which rules exist (information_schema perhaps)?

Also, can I see the source of the rules? Something similar to pg_proc maybe.


  • This is stored in pg_rewrite

    You can use a query like this to rules for all tables in the public schema:

    select r.rulename, 
           c.relname as rule_table,
           case r.ev_type  
             when '1' then 'SELECT' 
             when '2' then 'UPDATE' 
             when '3' then 'INSERT' 
             when '4' then 'DELETE' 
           end as rule_event, 
           pg_catalog.pg_get_ruledef(r.oid, true) as definition
    from pg_catalog.pg_rewrite r  
      join pg_catalog.pg_class c on r.ev_class = c.oid 
    where c.relnamespace = 'public'::regnamespace
      and r.rulename <> '_RETURN';

    The r.rulename <> '_RETURN' excludes rules created for views.