I was told to post a new question - refer to post : Nearest Square Function with Python
objective is as find largest nearest square to limit = 40.
I came up with a solution but I didn't understand why this doesn't work. Correct outcome would be printing the numbers up to 36, not exceeding 40.
limit = 40 #given limit by quiz
num=0 #set point by me
square=num*num #this is what a square means #it could also be said of num**2
while square<limit:
result i would get is :
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
why does the line 7 square 49 appear ?
It is beacause you are checking square < limit
and when the number = 6
the suare = 25
which satisfies the condition and the line 6 36
is printed next the number turns 7
andsqure turns 36
which is still less then 40 therefore it prints 7 49
and increments the number to 8
and now when the program checks for the while condition
it fails as 49 < 40 == False
therefore the program execution stops.
you could modify your code as:
limit = 40 # given limit by quiz
num = 1 # start with 1 as 0 suare is 0 and is not required by you i guess
while (num * num) < limit:
print((num),(num * num)) # prints num and square of num
num += 1 # increments num by 1
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36