The official Spring Integration DSL reference documentation provides the following code example in the first section of
public class MyConfiguration {
public AtomicInteger integerSource() {
return new AtomicInteger();
public IntegrationFlow myFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(integerSource::getAndIncrement,
c -> c.poller(Pollers.fixedRate(100)))
.filter((Integer p) -> p > 0)
When I copy paste this code into my IDE (IntelliJ), I get the following error at this line
return IntegrationFlows.from(integerSource::getAndIncrement,
error message:
Cannot resolve symbol 'integerSource'
I have tried various alternative ways of defining getAndIncrement as the messageSource, but all of them prodoced some kind of error so far.
Is there a way to get this example to compile and run ?
We spotted the same problem recently. See the fixed doc in the latest snapshot: The fixed code is like this:
public IntegrationFlow myFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.fromSupplier(integerSource()::getAndIncrement,
c -> c.poller(Pollers.fixedRate(100)))
.filter((Integer p) -> p > 0)
The release is due the next week.