I am building a native application with Android NDK. It has a dependency on various shared objects (.so). I have added them to the application in CMakeLists as below:
add_library(bluetooth SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(bluetooth PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION /home/stoic/lib-bluetooth-x86-64/libbluetooth.so)
add_library(chrome SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(chrome PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION /home/stoic/lib-bluetooth-x86-64/libchrome.so)
add_library(grpc++ SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(grpc++ PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION /home/stoic/lib-bluetooth-x86-64/libgrpc++.so)
add_library(grpc_wrap SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(grpc_wrap PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION /home/stoic/lib-bluetooth-x86-64/libgrpc_wrap.so)
I am not writing the entire CMakeLists.txt because the application compiles fine and apk is built successfully.
All the .sos loads fine but Android runtime gives this error for android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0.so
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.example.native_activity, PID: 4230
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load native library "/data/app/~~J6dVW4LGncsbvMxzwtgq7w==/com.example.native_activity-Je33LNoodZDV37TTvXSpEw==/lib/x86_64/libnative-activity.so": dlopen failed: library "android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0.so" not found: needed by /data/app/~~J6dVW4LGncsbvMxzwtgq7w==/com.example.native_activity-Je33LNoodZDV37TTvXSpEw==/lib/x86_64/libnative-activity.so in namespace classloader-namespace
I have checked in the unpacked apk of the built application and I see the android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0.so
present in lib/x86_64 directory along with other .sos.
ls lib/x86_64/
android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0.so libbluetooth.so libchrome.so libgrpc++.so libgrpc_wrap.so libnative-activity.so libstatslog.so
Does anyone have any idea what's wrong with what I am doing?
I was able to solve the issue with answer pointed by @Michael in the comments. Another thing I found out was Android doesn't support the character @
as well in the name of libraries, so I had to replace that with _
as well. There is no documentation from Android about this, I found that from trial and error.
I used sed instead of rpl used in the original answer.
sed -i "s/@\([0-9]\).\([0-9]\).so/_\1_\2.so/g" libbluetooth.so
I did the same thing for all the libraries used in my app. To solve the issue with all the libraries - I copied all the libraries in one directory and used this script:
echo "" > change.log
for var in `ls -1`;do
echo $var
sed -i "s/@\([0-9]\).\([0-9]\).so/_\1_\2.so/g" $var
new_file=`echo $var|sed "s/@\([0-9]\).\([0-9]\).so$/_\1_\2.so/g"`
mv $var $new_file
objdump -p $new_file | grep so >> change.log