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Jenkins assign input to environment variable

Trying to assign user input from 1 stage to use in another stage , thought to do it with env variables but cant figure it out

code so far :

environment {
    access_key =''
stages {
        stage('User input for Auth'){
            input {
                message 'enter access_key'
                parameters {
                    string 'access_key_input'
                    string 'secret_key_input'
            environment {
                access_key = sh(script:"echo ${access_key_input}", returnStdout: true).trim()
                sh "echo ${env.access_key}"
        stage("Build") {
            steps { 
                sh "echo ${env.access_key}"

logs :

+ echo XXX

+ echo XXX

+ echo null


  • You can assign the input to a global variable and then access that wherever you want.

    def INPUT_PARAMS = null
    pipeline {
        agent {
            node {
                label 'any'
        options {
        stages {
            stage('User input for Auth') {
                    script {
                        INPUT_PARAMS = input message: "enter access_key", parameters: [
                                string(description: 'Access key', defaultValue: '', name: 'access_key_input'),
                                string(description: 'Secret access key', defaultValue: '', name: 'secret_key_input') 
                    sh "echo ${INPUT_PARAMS.access_key_input}"
            stage("Build") {
                steps { 
                    sh "echo ${INPUT_PARAMS.access_key_input}"

    Input request

    Input requested


    Started by user Praveen Premaratne
    Replayed #152
    Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
    [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
    [Pipeline] node
    Running on devops-jenkins in /home/jenkins/workspace/Test
    [Pipeline] {
    [Pipeline] timestamps
    [Pipeline] {
    [Pipeline] stage
    [Pipeline] { (User input for Auth)
    [Pipeline] script
    [Pipeline] {
    [Pipeline] input
    [2021-07-15T22:35:33.625Z] Input requested
    [2021-07-15T22:35:43.540Z] Approved by Praveen Premaratne
    [Pipeline] }
    [Pipeline] // script
    [Pipeline] sh
    [2021-07-15T22:35:43.886Z] + echo a
    [2021-07-15T22:35:43.886Z] a
    [Pipeline] }
    [Pipeline] // stage
    [Pipeline] stage
    [Pipeline] { (Build)
    [Pipeline] sh
    [2021-07-15T22:35:44.230Z] + echo a
    [2021-07-15T22:35:44.230Z] a
    [Pipeline] }
    [Pipeline] // stage
    [Pipeline] }
    [Pipeline] // timestamps
    [Pipeline] }
    [Pipeline] // node
    [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
    Finished: SUCCESS