My time series is something like this:
I want to resample and aggregate the dataframe by volume, but in result, I should be able to get something like:
Time, Volume_B, Volume_S
09:25:00, 400, 253
Volume_B is aggregated volume when the Type is 'B', and Volume_S is aggregated when its Type is 'S'.
My function is something like below, but it doesn't work well.
data.resample('t').agg(Volume_B=(Volume=lambda x: np.where(x['Type']=='B', x['Volume'], 0)), Volume_A=(Volume=lambda x: np.where(x['Type']=='S', x['Volume'], 0)))
How to properly implement this?
One way is to create the columns Volume_B (and _S) before with np.where
like you did, then aggregate, so:
res = (
df.assign(Volume_B= lambda x: np.where(x['Type']=='B', x['Volume'], 0),
Volume_S= lambda x: np.where(x['Type']=='S', x['Volume'], 0))\
.groupby(df['Time']) # you can replace by resample here
Time Volume_B Volume_S
0 09:25:00 400 253
Edit, with your input like that (and aggregating on Time column), then you could also do a pivot_table
(df.pivot_table(index='Time', columns='Type',
values='Volume', aggfunc=sum)