Recently I've become confused how to organize my Scala code, because there are a lot of options.
Are there any guidelines for Scala how/when to use packages, objects, package objects for organizing code?
First, we need to understand the capabilities and limitations of each modularization strategy.
These work just like in Java. You can use many files to declare different parts of one package, and you can nest many levels deep. This provides maximum flexibility with your layout. However, since the default classloaders expect to only find classes and interfaces in packages, that's all Scala lets you put there. (Classes, traits, and objects.)
Objects can contain anything--methods, fields, other objects, classes, traits, etc.. Subclasses, traits, and objects are actually their own separate entities with the containing object as a name-mangled prefix (as far as the JVM is concerned). An object must be contained wholly within one file, and although you can nest subclasses arbitrarily deep, it's done via mangling increasingly long names, not adding to the path for the classloader.
The problem with only having objects and packages is that you might want a nested structure:
so that you need to use packages (to avoid having one gigantic file and disturbingly long class names). But you also might want
import scala.xml._
to make various constants and implicit conversions available to you, so that you need to use an object. Package objects come to the rescue; they are essentially the same as ordinary objects, but when you say
import scala.xml._
you get both everything in the package (scala.xml._
) but also everything in the corresponding package object (scala.xml.package
Now that we know how each part works, there are fairly obvious rules for how to organize:
to package object
in most cases.