I've got a class that only has a static member list
when the a template argument derives from a specific base class, if the argument does not derive from the base class, the program should not compile because the static member doesn't exsist.
The problem that I now have is that I don't know how to initialize list
This is the code:
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T, size_t MaxSubscribers_>
struct Event
using Args_T = T;
static constexpr size_t MaxSubscribers = MaxSubscribers_;
class EventManager
template<typename T, size_t MaxSubscribers>
struct subscriberMap
template<typename E, typename Valid = void>
struct events {};
template<typename E>
struct events<E, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Event<T, MaxSubscribers>, E>::value>::type>
static typename E::Args_T list[E::MaxSubscribers];
// my attempt, does not compile because list doesn't exsist
template<typename T, size_t MaxSubscribers>
template<typename E, typename Valid>
typename E::Args_T EventManager::subscriberMap<T, MaxSubscribers>::events<E, Valid>::list[E::MaxSubscribers];
The solution is that you have to repeat the exact template argument list as in the definition.
template<typename T, size_t MaxSubscribers>
template<typename E>
typename E::Args_T EventManager::subscriberMap<T, MaxSubscribers>::events<E, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Event<T, MaxSubscribers>, E>::value>::type>::list[E::MaxSubscribers];