I have two functions add(_:completion:)
and get(query:completion:)
which I feel may cause errors in my code. Since the add(_:completion:)
appends a Book
instance to the @Published books
property it might cause a race condition with the listener. This is how I imagine it might happen:
to the books collection in Firestore using add(_:completion:)
function is about to execute it's completion handleradd(_:completion:)
completion handler is executed before the get(query:completion:)
listener block then there will be no issues because the subsequent call to the listener block will just overwrite the self.books
property by doing self.books = books
. However, if the get(query:completion:)
listener block is executed before, then the subsequent execution of the add(_:completion:)
completion handler will append a duplicate book to the end of the self.books
property by doing self.books.append(book)
.I've marked all the important parts of my code with //<<< Over here!!!
class BookRepository: ObservableObject {
@Published private(set) var books = [Book]()
private var listener: ListenerRegistration?
func add(_ book: Book, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let _ = try! db.collection(.books).addDocument(from: book) { error in
if error == nil { self.books.append(book) } //<<< (1) Over here!!! Might get called at the same time as (2)
func get(query: Query, completion: @escaping (BookError?) -> Void) {
// Storing listener to single property so multiple calls to get(query:completion:) won't create multiple listeners
listener = query.addSnapshotListener { snapshot, error in
var err: BookError?
// Make sure no network errors
guard error != nil else { completion(.networkError); return }
precondition(snapshot != nil, "If there's no error snapshot must exist")
// Convert documents to Book instances
let documents = snapshot!.documents
let books = documents.compactMap { try? $0.data(as: Book.self) }
// Check if all documents were successfully decoded and if I didn't try to access an empty collection
if documents.count != books.count || documents.isEmpty {
err = documents.isEmpty
? .emptyQuery
: .incorrectBookData(self.getBadData(documents, books)) // Retrieves ID's of documents which weren't decoded into Books
// Assign books to the @Published property to update UI
self.books = books //<<< (2) Over here!!! Might get called at the same time as (1)
// Call completion handler
enum BookError: Error {
case networkError
case emptyQuery
case incorrectBookData([String])
func getBadData(_ docs: [QueryDocumentSnapshot], _ books: [Book]) -> [String] {
Am I correct in assuming this might cause a race condition? What is the sequence of how this will execute?
From what you've posted, it sounds like there could be a race condition here.
You might want to solve this by making sure the add
and get
methods are never executing at the same time. You could use some kind of operation queue for this.