I have an issue in converting data into the numeric format.
'data.frame': 32 obs. of 5 variables:
$ InstanceType : chr " c1.xlarge" " c1.xlarge" " c1.xlarge" " c1.xlarge" ...
$ ProductDescription: chr " Linux/UNIX" " Linux/UNIX" " Linux/UNIX" " Linux/UNIX" ...
$ SpotPrice : num 0.052 0.0739 0.0747 0.0751 0.0755 ...
$ ymd_hms(Timestamp): POSIXct, format: "2021-05-16 06:26:40" "2021-05-16 00:58:55" "2021-05-16 06:46:50" ...
$ Timestamp : 'times' num 06:26:40 00:58:55 06:46:50 14:17:55 19:07:09 ...
..- attr(*, "format")= chr "h:m:s"
but when i run to check for numeric values as follow
why is that so. Kindly help in understanding this issue. Thanks in advance.
With purrr
package and based on the comments:
DfModel <- DfFilter %>%
purrr::keep(.p = function(x) is.numeric(x))
It will keep only the numeric variables