Has anyone worked on Mura CMS before? I need to know if it is possible to export a Mura site into HTML, XML so that I can import it into some other CMS (mostly Wordpress)
If you're using Mura 5.4+, there's a BETA feature you can try:
1) Login to the Admin, then go to Site Settings
2) Select the site you wish to export
3) On the Basic tab, scroll to the bottom and enter a directory to export static HTML files to (i.e., C:\sitefiles\ )
4) Click Update
5) Select the site again from the list of Current Sites
6) You should now see a link towards the top that reads 'Export Static HTML (BETA)'
7) Click the link and you should get an alert 'Export static HTML files to {whateverDirectoryYouEnteredEarlier}