How to add hyperlink to INTERNAL image in RST for sphinx? I want to have something like it:
Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and then when i click on 1 i want it to move to imgs/1.png etc.
I was trying to use ::image: imgs/1.png
but that just renders picture and then when i am trying to:
Examples: 1_
:: _1: ../_images/1.png
it doesn't copy the picture, so how do i combine them both? so i got a copied image that i can use as a hyperlink?
If I understand your question correctly, you want to click 1
, and the web browser jumps to the referenced image.
First set up the targets using the name
.. image:: ../_images/1.png
:name: 1
.. image:: ../_images/2.png
:name: 2
Then reference the targets.
Examples: `1`_, `2`_