I have the following measure written in DAX, its name - [Undup Active Clients KPI]:
(This is just a version written in DAX Studio for testing purposes)
MEASURE 'KPI Measures'[Undup Active Clients KPI] =
VAR undupClientsServed =
'Client Services',
'Client Services'[ClientWHID] > 0
&& 'Client Services'[Is No-show] = FALSE ()
&& 'Client Services'[Is Cancellation] = FALSE ()
&& 'Client Services'[Is Non-claimable] = FALSE ()
'Client Services'[ClientWHID]
'Client Episode Metrics'[ClientWHID]
VAR result =
CALCULATE ( [Undup Active Clients], undupClientsServed )
In order for this measure to work correctly, I need to add the following condition in 'Client Episode Metrics':
FILTER('Client Episode Metrics',
'Client Episode Metrics'[AdmissionDate] <= 'Client Services'[Service Month])
I am relatively new to DAX and having difficulties adding this condition correctly in the code above (code for [Undup Active Clients KPI] measure)
Please advice or help how would I add the condition
Not sure if FILTER will work for my goal
Can you try the following and see if it gives you the desired outcome. In case it does not please provide sample data and expected outcome here.
MEASURE 'KPI Measures'[Undup Active Clients KPI]-------
VAR result = CALCULATE ( [Undup Active Clients], undupClientsServed )
VAR _filterdResult = CALCULATE ([result],FILTER('Client Episode Metrics','Client Episode Metrics'[AdmissionDate] <= max('Client Services'[Service Month]))
RETURN _filterdResult