I am trying to implement a Xamarin storage provider as per the example here.
The issue is that I want the user to log in before I render the root folders.
The method used to query the roots is the following:
public override ICursor QueryRoots(string[] projection)
This is called when the app first launches, but does not seem to be called subsequently.
If I log in (hard coded credentials) straight away, this works fine. However if I open the app so I can add some login details manually then this does not get called again and therefore does not re-render the correct roots.
Has anyone got any ideas how I force Android to re-call this method again to refresh this list?
You could try to call the below method to notify the system that the status of our roots has changed
Activity.ContentResolver.NotifyChange (DocumentsContract.BuildRootsUri (AUTHORITY), null, false);
you could see the explanation here https://github.com/xamarin/monodroid-samples/blob/0b301e8fd2da65ff442b5f1ed236c73ba3b963c2/StorageProvider/MyCloudFragment.cs#L66.