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What's the difference between implicitly and summon?

In Scala 3 summon seems to do the same thing as the old implicitly. But when we dig into actual examples we see that isn't the case. For example

case class A(i: Int, s: String)

val mirror    = implicitly[Mirror.Of[A]]    
type ValueOfs = Tuple.Map[mirror.MirroredElemLabels, ValueOf]
val valueOfs  = summonAll[ValueOfs]

def values(t: Tuple): Tuple = t match
  case (h: ValueOf[_]) *: t1 => h.value *: values(t1)
  case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple

produces the error

cannot reduce inline match with  
 scrutinee:  compiletime.erasedValue[App.ValueOfs] : App.ValueOfs  
 patterns :  case _:EmptyTuple  
             case _:*:[t @ _, ts @ _]

However replacing implicitly[Mirror.Of[A]] with summon[Mirror.Of[A]] compiles fine.

What are the subtleties of summon vs implicitly in this case and in general?


  • Given

    case class A(i: Int, s: String)

    we can see that summon and implicitly return the same runtime value

    assert(implicitly[Mirror.Of[A]] eq summon[Mirror.Of[A]])

    but they have different compile time types

    def fun[A,B]( a: A, b: B )( implicit ev: A =:= B ) = ???
    fun(implicitly[Mirror.Of[A]], summon[Mirror.Of[A]])
        Cannot prove that deriving.Mirror.Of[Worksheet.A] =:= (
            MirroredType = Worksheet.A; MirroredMonoType = Worksheet.A; 
              MirroredElemTypes <: Tuple
            MirroredMonoType = Worksheet.A; MirroredType = Worksheet.A; 
              MirroredLabel = ("A" : String)
          MirroredElemTypes = (Int, String); 
            MirroredElemLabels = (("i" : String), ("s" : String))

    The one returned by summon is more specific because summon is defined using transparent inline which allow it to evaluate to a more precise type than requested.