Hello i have problem attaching relation of my new London Metro Station objects to existing London Metro Line objects. As u can see in the pictures bellow i can easily add relation by clicking it. All i wanna do is make it automatically using PHP. I've put objectId's to this column "Line" on 1st image data types like string, array, but it requires "relation" which i have no idea how to add to. Parse Docs aren't clear in that kind of situation. Please help. ObjectMetroLine Class ObjectMetro Class Attaching Rows to Relation by Click
$json = file_get_contents('https://api.tfl.gov.uk/line/mode/tube/status');
$data = json_decode($json,true);
foreach ($data as $datax){
$linia = $datax['id'];
$link = 'https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/'.$linia.'/StopPoints';
$json2 = file_get_contents($link);
$data2 = json_decode($json2,true);
foreach ($data2 as $datax2){
echo 'Nazwa stacji:' .$datax2['commonName'] ."<br>";
echo 'Lat:' . $datax2['lat']."<br>";
echo 'Lon:' . $datax2['lon']."<br>";
$querych = new ParseQuery("ObjectMetro");
$querych->equalTo("stationId", $datax2['id']);
$res= $querych->first();
if(count($res)==0){//Sprawdza czy jest już obiekt o takiej nazwie
$query = new ParseObject("ObjectMetro");
$query->set("name", $datax2['commonName']);
$query->set("longitude", $datax2['lon']);
$query->set("latitude", $datax2['lat']);
$query->set("stationId", $datax2['id']);
$ktora = count($datax2['modes']);
for($i=0; $i<$ktora; $i++){
$ile = count($datax2['lineModeGroups'][$x]['lineIdentifier']);
for($i=0; $i<$ile; $i++){
$jaka = $datax2['lineModeGroups'][$x]['lineIdentifier'][$i];
$querya = new ParseQuery("ObjectMetroLine");
$querya->equalTo('lineId', $jaka);
$result = $querya->first();
$idlinii = $result->getObjectId();
$query->set("lines", $idlinii);//here problem
echo 'Linia: '. $jaka . ' ' . $idlinii . '<br>';
echo 'New object created with objectId: ' . $query->getObjectId();
}catch (ParseException $ex) {
echo 'Failed to create new object, with error message: ' . $ex->getMessage();
echo '<hr>';
You can use this guide as a reference: https://docs.parseplatform.org/php/guide/#many-to-many-relationships
That's what you should do:
$json = file_get_contents('https://api.tfl.gov.uk/line/mode/tube/status');
$data = json_decode($json,true);
foreach ($data as $datax){
$linia = $datax['id'];
$link = 'https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/'.$linia.'/StopPoints';
$json2 = file_get_contents($link);
$data2 = json_decode($json2,true);
foreach ($data2 as $datax2){
echo 'Nazwa stacji:' .$datax2['commonName'] ."<br>";
echo 'Lat:' . $datax2['lat']."<br>";
echo 'Lon:' . $datax2['lon']."<br>";
$querych = new ParseQuery("ObjectMetro");
$querych->equalTo("stationId", $datax2['id']);
$res= $querych->first();
if(count($res)==0){//Sprawdza czy jest już obiekt o takiej nazwie
$query = new ParseObject("ObjectMetro");
$query->set("name", $datax2['commonName']);
$query->set("longitude", $datax2['lon']);
$query->set("latitude", $datax2['lat']);
$query->set("stationId", $datax2['id']);
$relation = $query->getRelation("lines");
$ktora = count($datax2['modes']);
for($i=0; $i<$ktora; $i++){
$ile = count($datax2['lineModeGroups'][$x]['lineIdentifier']);
for($i=0; $i<$ile; $i++){
$jaka = $datax2['lineModeGroups'][$x]['lineIdentifier'][$i];
$querya = new ParseQuery("ObjectMetroLine");
$querya->equalTo('lineId', $jaka);
$result = $querya->first();
echo 'Linia: '. $jaka . ' ' . $idlinii . '<br>';
echo 'New object created with objectId: ' . $query->getObjectId();
}catch (ParseException $ex) {
echo 'Failed to create new object, with error message: ' . $ex->getMessage();
echo '<hr>';