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Setting firebase database rules for auto-id node

I am trying to set the firebase database rules for my app. Essentially the app has a posts page that allow useres to interact with the diffrent posts.

The problem i have is that when i try to set rules under the "$post_id" branch no data loads in my app, i have a continuous loading screen. but if i remove this "$post_id" branch from the rules then my app loads correctly.

My database looks like this. as you can see the post are loaded under an auto-id node, which is why i tried to add the $post_id to reflect this.

 "rules": {
 "posts": {
  // the key for each post is stored inside $post_id variable for reference
   "$post_id": {
     // general rules
     ".indexOn": ["timestamp", "likes"],
     ".read": "auth != null",
       // enter the author branch 
       "author": {
         ".read": "auth != null",
         "$user_id": {
           ".write": "$user_id === auth.uid"
         //enter the comments branch
         "comments": {
           ".indexOn": ["timestamp"]



  • 1. Make sure you're authenticated.

    Check that firebase.auth().currentUser != null (for web).
    It should allow you to read the /posts/XXX_some_post_id paths because you have ".read": "auth != null" under rules/posts/$post_id.

    P.S. You don't even need the second ".read": "auth != null" under author because the same rule from /posts/XXX_some_post_id applies automatically to all its branches/descendants.

    2. Check which path you're reading from.

    There is a good chance (I did the same mistake in the past) that you're trying to read from the upper posts path rather than from posts/XXX_some_post_id.
    That will fail because no rules are specified for posts. The rules are currently provided only for posts/$post_id which is one level deeper. So you need to either

    • read directly from /posts/XXX_some_post_id every time, or
    • add rules right under the posts:
      "rules": {
        "posts": {
          ".read": "auth != null",
          "$post_id": {
            // other rules here