I am writing an iOS app using SwiftUI. As part of the data presented, I need to have a password field with a show/hide button that toggles between hidden/visible. To do this, I'm using a combination of SwiftUI's SecureField
and TextField
controls. Both are in the disabled
state to prevent users from editing, as I want this field to be read-only. This setup is working perfectly. (See screenshot below)
Now I would like to add functionality that would allow the user to copy the password to the clipboard just by tapping on it. I've added an onTapGesture
block to my SecureField
, however it is never called. I believe this is due to the fact that my SecureField
is marked as disabled. A snippet of my code follows:
ZStack(alignment: .trailing) {
if isSecured {
VStack {
SecureField("", text: Binding.constant(text))
.onTapGesture {
print("USER TAPPED!")
} else {
TextField("", text: Binding.constant(text))
Image(systemName: self.isSecured ? "eye" : "eye.slash")
.frame(width: 20, height: 20, alignment: .center)
.modifier(TouchDownUpEventModifier(changeState: { (buttonState) in
withAnimation {
Is there a way to accomplish this? I want my SecureField
to be read-only but still detect when a user taps the control?
I was able to solve this by adding the following modifiers on my ZStack
.onTapGesture {
Once I did this, my ZStack
began intercepting the touch events and I could perform the desired action.