I am trying to move data from one collection to another collection. So I add a RequestProcess object to the completedRequestsCollection and remove it from the ongoingRequestsCollection. It makes sense to use a transaction to do this so that it can be rolled back if there are issues with either operation.
I found this Mongo Db How-to Guide and tried to follow it, see code below:
//connect to db and get collections
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var mongoDb = mongoClient.GetDatabase(databaseName);
var ongoingRequestsCollection = mongoDb.GetCollection<RequestProcess>(ongoingRequestsCollectionName);
var completedRequestsCollection = mongoDb.GetCollection<RequestProcess>(completedRequestsCollectionName);
//create session
using var session = mongoClient.StartSession();
//start the transaction
//add to completed requests collection
await completedRequestsCollection.InsertOneAsync(requestObject);
//delete from ongoing requests collection
await ongoingRequestsCollection.DeleteOneAsync(req => req.Id == requestObject.Id);
//commit transaction
await session.CommitTransactionAsync();
catch (Exception)
//abort transaction
await session.AbortTransactionAsync();
//throw the exception to handle further up the stack (knowing that the transaction failed)
It keeps failing at the session.StartTransaction()
line with an Exception as shown below.
Exception thrown: 'System.NotSupportedException' in MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I know the connection to the database is fine, because I can perform reads, writes and deletes. It just will not perform this transaction but if I remove the transaction related functionality it works fine.
you should provide the whole exception message not only type, it often allows to understand more details. Based on just the exception type, you have either:
and etc) this is not your case.I would vote that you use a standlone server, so you should replace it on replica set or sharded server configuration.