I have a data table with users and I want to make a delete button work on the rows, but it seems that it cannot be done by reactish means.
The DataGrid is used like this:
I have a column with custom renderCell function that shows some action buttons. The column definition is this:
field: "actions",
headerName: "",
width: 120,
type: "",
sortable: false,
renderCell: (
params: GridCellParams
): React.ReactElement<any, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>> => {
return (
userId={params.getValue(params.id, "id")?.toString()!}
The params object offers a few properties but I do not know how to do something like this: delete the row on which a button was clicked, a button that is defined in the UserRowActions
I would also like to find whether it is not possible to do this using the MUI DataGrid component as it is today.
I don't know what to do since the API does not look reactish to me right now.
I use:
"@material-ui/core": "^4.12.1",
"@material-ui/data-grid": "^4.0.0-alpha.30",
"react": "^16.14.0",
I made a context specially for the data grid action buttons:
export const DataGridContext = React.createContext<{ deleteUser?: (uid: string) => void }>({});
// ...
const { data: users, isLoading, isError } = useGetUsersQuery();
const [usersRows, setUsersRows] = useState<IUser[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (typeof users !== 'undefined') {
}, [users]);
<DataGridContext.Provider value={{ deleteUser: (uid: string) => {
const newRows = [...usersRows];
const idx = newRows.findIndex(u => u.id === uid);
if (idx > -1) {
newRows.splice(idx, 1);
rows={usersRows} // ...
// In the UserRowActions component:
const dataGrid = useContext(DataGridContext);
// ...