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Creating a column with factor variables conditional on multiple other columns?

I have 4 columns, called Amplification, CNV.gain, Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency, Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency. I want to create a new column in which, if any of the values in these 4 columns are:

  • greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 10, it returns low:
  • greater than 10 and less than or equal to 20, it returns medium
  • greater than 20, it returns high

An example of the final table (long_fused) would look like this:

CNV.Gain Amplification Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency Threshold
3 5 10 0 Low
0 0 11 8 Medium
7 16 25 0 High

So far, I've tried the following code, although it seems to fill in the "Threshold" Column, is doing so incorrectly.

long_fused <- long_fused %>%
  mutate(Percent_sample_altered = case_when(
    Amplification>=5 & Amplification < 10 & CNV.gain>=5 & CNV.gain < 10 | CNV.gain>=5 & CNV.gain<=10 & Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency>=5 & Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency<=10| Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency>=5 & Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency<=10 ~ 'Low',
    Amplification>= 10 & Amplification<20 |CNV.gain>=10 & CNV.gain<20| Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency>= 10 & Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency<20 | Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency>=10 & Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency<20 ~ 'Medium', 
    Amplification>20 | CNV.gain >20 | Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency >20 | Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency>20 ~ 'High'))

As always any help is appreciated!

Data in dput format

long_fused <-
structure(list(CNV.Gain = c(3L, 0L, 7L), Amplification = c(5L, 
0L, 16L), Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency = c(10L, 11L, 25L), 
Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency = c(0L, 8L, 0L), Threshold = 
c("Low", "Medium", "High")), class = "data.frame", 
row.names = c(NA, -3L))


  • Here's an alternative using case_when -

    long_fused %>%
      mutate(max =, select(., -Threshold)),
      #If you don't have Threshold column in your data just use .
      #mutate(max =, .),  
             Threshold = case_when(between(max, 5, 10) ~ 'Low', 
                                   between(max, 11, 15) ~ 'Medium', 
                                   TRUE ~ 'High'))
    #  CNV.Gain Amplification Homozygous.Deletion.Frequency
    #1        3             5                            10
    #2        0             0                            11
    #3        7            16                            25
    #  Heterozygous.Deletion.Frequency max Threshold
    #1                               0  10       Low
    #2                               8  11    Medium
    #3                               0  25      High