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Enable endpoints for kube-controller-manager & kube-scheduler

I am new to the kubernetes world and I am currently stuck with figuring out how to enable endpoints for kube-controller-manager & kube-scheduler. In some future, I'll be using the helm kube-prometheus-stack to scrape those endpoints for metrics. However, for now what would be the right approach to set up those endpoints?

$  kubectl get ep  -n kube-system
NAME                                        ENDPOINTS                 AGE
kube-controller-manager                     <none>                    105d
kube-scheduler                              <none>                    105d


    • No need to create endpoints for kube-controller-manage and kube-scheduler because they use hostNetwork and uses ports 10257 and 10259 respectively.

    • you can verify it checking the manifests "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/" and netstat -nltp or ss -nltp on masternode

    ss -nltp | grep kube
    LISTEN   0         128        *       users:(("kube-controller",pid=50301,fd=7))
    LISTEN   0         128        *       users:(("kube-scheduler",pid=50400,fd=7))
    • so they should be accessible over < masternodeip >:<10257/10259>