I have been trying to create a calculator in Python using tkinter, but it is not working out. I am trying to use the operator library and the eval function.
import operator
ops = {
'+' : operator.add,
'*' : operator.mul,
def eval_binary_expr(op1, oper, op2, get_operator_fn=ops.get):
op1, op2 = int(op1), int(op2)
return get_operator_fn(oper)(op1, op2)
print(eval_binary_expr(*("1 + 3 * 4".split())))
Please help me. It just does not work for me. I am a beginner, so I am bad at this. Sorry if you think this question was stupid.
Think about this: How many items does the list have, that results from "1 + 3 * 4".split()
? How do they line up with the formal parameters of eval_binary_expr
One common approach to this type of problem, if you want the usual operator precedence, is the shunting-yard algorithm