I have a dead simple Golang microservice (no Docker, just simple binary file) which returns simple message on GET-request.
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:36001/api/operability/list'
{"message": "ping 123"}
Now I want to do reverse proxy via Traefik-v2, so I've made configuration file "traefik.toml":
checkNewVersion = false
sendAnonymousUsage = false
address = ":8090"
address = ":8091"
level = "DEBUG"
filePath = "logs/traefik.log"
filePath = "logs/access.log"
insecure = true
dashboard = true
filename = "traefik.toml"
# dynamic conf
rule = "Path(`/proxy`)"
service = "my-service"
entryPoints = ["web"]
url = "http://localhost:36001"
Starting Traefik (I'm using binary distribution):
traefik --configFile=traefik.toml
Now dashboard on port 8091 works like a charm, but I struggle with reverse proxy request. I suppose it should look like this (based on my configuration file):
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8090/proxy/api/operability/list'
But all I get it's just:
404 page not found
The question is: is there any mistake in configuration file or is it just a request typo?
edit: My configuration file is based on answers in this questions:
edit #2: Traefik version info:
traefik version
Version: 2.4.9
Codename: livarot
Go version: go1.16.5
Built: 2021-06-21T16:17:58Z
OS/Arch: windows/amd64
I've managed to find the answer.
Use Path if your service listens on the exact path only. For instance, Path: /products would match /products but not /products/shoes.
Use a Prefix matcher if your service listens on a particular base path but also serves requests on sub-paths. For instance, PathPrefix: /products would match /products but also /products/shoes and /products/shirts. Since the path is forwarded as-is, your service is expected to listen on /products.
Now answer as example.
First at all: code for microservice in main.go file
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\"message\": \"ping 123\"}")
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/operability/list", handler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":36001", nil))
Now, configuration file for Traefik v2 in config.tom file:
checkNewVersion = false
sendAnonymousUsage = false
address = ":36000"
address = ":8091"
level = "DEBUG"
filePath = "logs/traefik.log"
filePath = "logs/access.log"
insecure = true
dashboard = true
debugLogGeneratedTemplate = true
# Point this same file for dynamic configuration
filename = "config.toml"
watch = true
# We need middleware to replace all "/proxy/" with "/api/"
regex = "(?:^|\\W)proxy(?:$|\\W)"
replacement = "/api/"
# We need to handle all request with pathes defined as "/proxy/*"
rule = "PathPrefix(`/proxy/`)"
service = "my-service"
entryPoints = ["web"]
# Use of defined middleware for path replacement
middlewares = ["test-replacepathregex"]
url = "http://localhost:36001/"
Start microservice:
go run main.go
Start traefik:
traefik --configFile config.toml
Now check if microservice works correctly:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:36001/api/operability/list'
{"message": "ping 123"}
And check if Traefik v2 does job well too:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:36000/proxy/operability/list'
{"message": "ping 123"}