I have table in Teradata SQL like below:
Johnson Simon |
Whats Ann |
Pitt-House Mark |
Grahap Michael Josh |
This table in column: "NAME" contains name and surname of clients, but be aware that sometimes clients can have two-membered surname or have two names.
As a result I need:
Johnson Simon | Johnson | Simon |
Whats Ann | Whats | Ann |
Pitt-House Mark | Pitt-House | Mark |
Grahap Michael Josh | Grahap | Michael Josh |
I think, that it could be done, that we can take first value from column "NAME" to the first white space and it will be value of SURNAME column, and rest values give to NAME_2, but I do not know how to write it in Teradata SQL, or maybe you have other idea how to solve this issue ?
It splits tokens based on the specified list of delimiter characters and returns the nth token, where n is specified by the tokennum argument.
SELECT NAME, STRTOK(your_table.NAME, ' ', 1) as SURNAME, STRTOK(your_table.NAME, ' ', 2) as NAME_2 FROM your_table;