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Minizinc: counting number of different variables in array associated with initial output array

I'm trying to count occurrences within an array that are constrained by first having the same value in the array then by the number of different variables found an associated array.

I am starting with this model

set of int: OPTS = 1..4;
set of int: ASSIGN = 1..12;

array[ASSIGN] of var OPTS: result;

that can generate a result [ 1,2,1,3,3,4,1,3,1,1,2,4 ]

and would like to combine with these statements

enum CONDS = {A,B,C,D};
array[ASSIGN] of CONDS : const = [A,A,A,B,B,B,C,C,C,D,D,D];

array[OPTS] of var 0..max(CONDS): result2;

output ["\(result) \(result2)"]

and produce an output that counts how many different CONDS appear for each OPTS

[ 1,2,1,3,3,4,1,3,1,1,2,4 ] [3,2,2,2]

implying that OPTS[1] is associated with at least one of A,C and D, OPTS[2] has As and Ds, OPTS[3] has Bs and Cs, and OPTS[4] has Cs and Ds. I've scrambled my brains a bit with this and earlier questions and can't determine whether to look at creating a less complex constraint, or a more complex one. I could have missed a simple trick here...or maybe it's not so obvious?

I would love to know why my attempt with the following produces unsatisfiable when X = j, [0,0,3,0] when X = 1 and '[0,0,0,0]' when X = i (which would make east sense to me, but clearly I don't know how this position 'X' is supposed to work with the rest).

constraint forall(i in OPTS, j in CONDS)(
   result2[i] = 
     count([ k == j /\ result[k] = i | k in const],X)


  • Here's a model that solves your original question. The construct card({const[i] | i in ASSIGN where result[i]=o} ), counts the number of different values of OPTS with the set comprehension {....}, using card (the cardinality of the set) to do the counting.

    include "globals.mzn";
    set of int: OPTS = 1..4;
    set of int: ASSIGN = 1..12;
    array[ASSIGN] of var OPTS: result = [1,2,1,3,3,4,1,3,1,1,2,4];
    enum CONDS = {A,B,C,D};
    array[ASSIGN] of CONDS : const = [A,A,A,B,B,B,C,C,C,D,D,D];
    array[OPTS] of var 0..max(ASSIGN): result2;
    solve satisfy;
       forall(o in OPTS) (
            % count the number of different CONDS for this OPTS value o
            result2[o] = card({const[i]  | i in ASSIGN where result[i]=o} )
    output [

    The solution is

    result:[1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4]
    result2:[3, 2, 2, 2]

    Update: Answer to the additional question

    You asked why this constraint don't give the proper answer:

    constraint forall(i in OPTS, j in CONDS)(
       result2[i] = 
         count([ k == j /\ result[k] = i | k in const],X)

    Here are some problems with this approach.

    First I should say that this kind of loop might in general be a good approach, but the problem statement requires that we count the number of different chunks (were each chunk contains many values), not the number of all occurrences.

    1. The k in const loops through all the values A,A,A,B,B,... (not the indices) which mean thatresult[k] is interpreted as result[A] ... result[D] which is then translated to as result[1] ... result[4] (A=1,B=2,C=3,D=4) which is not what you want.

      Instead, k should loop though ASSIGN and instead of the plaink is should then be conds[k].

    2. Another problem is that result2[i] is evaluated for every j in CONDS, i.e. it do "double counting" which almost always mean trouble. (Note also that in constraint programming values are never updated. If one got one value in results[i] in one loop and another value in another, then the model is UNSAT.)

      Instead a nested loop should be used:

    forall(i in OPTS) (
       forall(j in CONDS) (
          % ...
    1. However, using count (or sum) means that you count all the occurrences of the CONDS, e.g. for the value 1 this counts two A's (from the first chunk) which is not correct.

    To fix this one have to just count one occurrence of the CONDS. In the model above I use the set approach. Here's another way, using exists which just count one of each matching CONDS values.

       forall(o in OPTS) (
          result2[o] = sum(c in CONDS) (
             exists(k in ASSIGN) ( const[k] = c /\ result[k] = o)