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etherscan or ethplorer doesn't see test transaction

I want to get address transaction list and as I can see that is possible only if dancing with a tambourine. So I decided to use some third party service(which I think shame for ethereum developers but we have that what we have). But those service can't see transactions or balance on the address even balance showing via command

 curl -X POST http://localhost:8545 -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":"0xcd88f3430a2e01e61554e655719e0f92d3e1ba37", "pending"],"id":1}'


(sent via goerli)

but when I perform request like

I get

message "No transactions found"

Or on


Can you please explain to me what happen and how easily to extract transaction list for the address.


  • Found it, need to use different domain for goerli transactions