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How to handle and remove "joined the group" messages in python-telegram-bot?

I have created a bot to manage my group in telegram using python-telegram-bot. I would like the bot to handle and remove joined/left messages. I am not getting those messages as regular ones. Is there any way to handle them?

I used a bot to do the task for me but this bot started to post ads. I don't trust any existing bots and I would like to create mine using python-telegram-bot since my bot is already built using it.


  • I have solved the issue as follows:

    Joined messages can be handled using Filters.status_update.new_chat_members

    The following is my code.

    def onjoin(update,context):,message_id=update.message.message_id)
    def main():
        updater = Updater(API_KEY, use_context=True)
        dp = updater.dispatcher