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Data type that's a pair of functions?

I have a data type that's a pair of chainable functions. In Idris this is

data Foo i o = MkFoo (i -> ty) (ty -> o)

I hope it's fairly obvious what that means in Haskell. Is this a widely used construct, with a name perhaps?


  • Are you wanting ty to be an existential type?

    type Foo :: Cat Type
    data Foo i o where
     MkFoo :: (i -> ty) -> (ty -> o) -> Foo i o
                    ^^      ^^
                    |       |
                 does not appear in the result type

    In Data.Profunctor.Composition there is

    type Pro :: Type
    type Pro = Type -> Type -> Type
    type Procompose :: Pro -> Pro -> Pro
    data Procompose pro2 pro1 іn out where
      Procompose :: pro2 xx out -> pro1 іn xx -> Procompose pro2 pro1 іn out

    which Foo can be defined in terms of

    type Foo :: Cat Type
    type Foo = Procompose (->) (->)
                     we quantify `ty` here because it's existential
    pattern MkFoo :: forall іn out. () => forall ty. (іn -> ty) -> (ty -> out) -> Foo іn out
    pattern MkFoo one two = Procompose two one

    There is also the concept of a free category is a type-aligned list; i.e. a list of chainable functions

    type (~>) :: Cat (k -> Type)
    type f ~> g = (forall x. f x -> g x)
    type Quiver :: Type -> Type
    type Quiver ob = ob -> ob -> Type
    type Cat :: Type -> Type
    type Cat ob = Quiver ob
    infixr 5 :>>>
    type FreeCategory :: Quiver ~> Cat
    data FreeCategory cat a b where
     Id     :: FreeCategory cat a a
     (:>>>) :: cat a b -> FreeCategory cat b c -> FreeCategory cat a c

    which can be written as a type-aligned list of length 2:

    type Foo :: Cat Type
    type Foo = FreeCategory (->)
                     we quantify `ty` here because it's existential
    pattern MkFoo :: forall іn out. () => forall ty. (іn -> ty) -> (ty -> out) -> Foo іn out
    pattern MkFoo one two = one :>>> two :>>> Id

    Free categories can also be defined as Free2 Category by passing the Category class to Free2.. a bit of a rambly answer

    type (~~>) :: Cat (k1 -> k2 -> Type)
    type f ~~> g = (forall x. f x ~> g x)
    type Free2 :: (Cat ob -> Constraint) -> Quiver ob -> Cat ob
    type Free2 cls cat a b = (forall xx. cls xx => (cat ~~> xx) -> xx a b)
    type FreeCategory :: Quiver ~> Cat
    type FreeCategory cat a b = Free2 Category cat a b