I have a folder stored on the my desktop, and its contains 187 audio file in WAV format. I want to extract features from audio files and I executed the following code for extract features audio and to save the features in CSV file, but I obtained excel file with no value, its include only the title for each column and the output for len(audio-files) was 0..but its must be 187. How can I solve this problem???
from glob import glob
data_dir = './audio featur-extraction\audio-setA/'
audio_files = glob(data_dir + '*.wav')
from librosa import feature
import numpy as np
fn_list_i = [
fn_list_ii = [
def get_feature_vector(y,sr):
feat_vect_i = [ np.mean(funct(y,sr)) for funct in fn_list_i]
feat_vect_ii = [ np.mean(funct(y)) for funct in fn_list_ii]
feature_vector = feat_vect_i + feat_vect_ii
return feature_vector
#build the matrix with normal audios featurized
audios_feat = []
for file in audio_files:
y is the time series array of the audio file, a 1D np.ndarray
sr is the sampling rate, a number
y,sr = librosa.load(file,sr=None)
feature_vector = get_feature_vector(y, sr)
print('.', end= " ")
import csv
norm_output = 'normals_00.csv'
header =[
#WARNING : this overwrites the file each time. Be aware of this because feature extraction step takes time.
with open(norm_output,'+w') as f:
csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ',')
audio_files = glob(data_dir + '/*.wav')
it solved by add slash before the star symbole