I'm new in R. I have a folder (foder1) with a series of raster data (Raster01.tif, Raster02.tif, ....., Raster69.tif). I would multiply each raster by a number (0.0001) and save the resulting data with the same name, but in a new folder (folder2). How can I do this process?
You should always show what you have tried --- and there are similar questions on this site that you could refer to. Workflows could be something along these lines:
Get input files
f <- list.files("folder1", pattern="tif$", full.names=TRUE)
If they have the same extent and resolution
s <- stack(f)
s <- calc(s, function(x) x * 0.0001, filename="folder2/output.tif")
or perhaps
s <- stack(f)
s <- s * 0.0001
writeRaster(s, filename="folder2/out.tif")
# or use bylayer=T
writeRaster(s, filename="folder2/out.tif", bylayer=TRUE)
To process the files one by one
fun <- function(f) {
r <- raster(f)
outf <- gsub("folder1", "folder2", f)
writeRaster(r * 0.0001, outf)
f <- list.files("folder1", pattern="tif$", full.names=TRUE)
x <- lapply(f, fun)