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Permission denied when writing logs in Docker

I was trying to write a Docker log file on Ubuntu 20.04 by

sudo docker logs CONTAINER_ID >output.log

But it returned

-bash: output.log: Permission denied

How to solve the permission problem to save the logs? Is the problem inside the container or outside of it?

P.S. I had this container by docker run -d -v ~/desktop/usercode/Docker:/code -p 5000:5000 flask_app:1.0, and the Dockerfile is as below:

## Base Python Image for App
FROM python:3.9-rc-buster

# Setting up Docker environment
# Setting Work directory for RUN CMD commands
# Export env variables.

#Copy requirements file from current directory to file in
#containers code directory we have just created.
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt

#Run and install all required modules in container
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

#Copy current directory files to containers code directory
COPY . .

#RUN app.
CMD ["flask", "run"]

And, the images are:

REPOSITORY   TAG             IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
flask_app    1.0             90b2840f4d5d   29 minutes ago   895MB
python       3.9-rc-buster   50625b35cf42   9 months ago     884MB


  • The command you entered first creates output.log file in the same direction as you are, then drops the logs in that file; It seems that the problem is solved if you use the following command.

     docker logs CONTAINER_ID > ~/output.log

    This command creates a log file in the root path of the user you are. for example if your username is USER1 that file create at /home/USER1