I want to implement a simple YACC parser, but I have problems with my grammar:
%union {
s string
b []byte
t *ASTNode
%token AND OR NOT
%token<s> STRING
%token<b> BYTES
%type<t> expr
%left AND
%left OR
%right NOT
expr: '(' expr ')' {{ $$ = $2 }}
| expr AND expr {{ $$ = NewASTComplexNode(OPND_AND, $1, $3) }}
| expr AND NOT expr {{ $$ = NewASTComplexNode(OPND_AND, $1, NewASTComplexNode(OPND_NOT, $4, nil)) }}
| NOT expr AND expr {{ $$ = NewASTComplexNode(OPND_AND, NewASTComplexNode(OPND_NOT, $2, nil), $4) }}
| expr OR expr {{ $$ = NewASTComplexNode(OPND_OR, $1, $3) }}
| STRING {{ $$ = NewASTSimpleNode(OPRT_STRING, $1) }}
| BYTES {{ $$ = NewASTSimpleNode(OPRT_BYTES, $1) }}
Cam someone explain me why it gives me these errors?:
rule expr: NOT expr AND expr never reduced
1 rules never reduced
conflicts: 3 reduce/reduce
In a comment, it is clarified that the requirement is that:
operator should apply only to operands ofAND
and [the operands] shouldn't be bothNOT
The second part of that requirement is a little odd, since the AND
operator is defined to be left-associative. That would mean that
would be legal, because it is grouped as (a AND NOT b) AND NOT c
, in which both AND
operators have one positive term. But rotating the arguments (which might not change the semantics at all) produces:
which would be illegal because the first grouping (NOT b AND NOT c
) contains two NOT
It might be that the intention was that any conjunction (sequence of AND
operators) contain at least one positive term.
Both of these constraints are possible, but they cannot be achieved using operator precedence declarations.
Operator precedence can be used to resolve ambiguity in an ambiguous grammar (and expr: expr OR expr
is certainly ambiguous, since it allows OR
to associate in either direction). But it cannot be used to import additional requirements on operands, particularly not a requirement which takes both operands into account [Note 1]. In order to do that, you need to write out an unambiguous grammar. Fortunately, that's not too difficult.
The basis for the unambiguous grammar is what is sometimes called cascading precedence style; this effectively encodes the precedence into rules, so that precedence declarations are unnecessary. The basic boolean grammar looks like this:
expr: conjunction /* Cascade to the next level */
| expr OR conjunction
: term /* Continue the cascade */
| conjunction AND term
term: atom /* NOT is a prefix operator */
| NOT term /* which is not what you want */
atom: '(' expr ')'
Each precedence level has a corresponding non-terminal, and the levels "cascade" in the sense that each one, except the last, includes the next level as a unit production.
To adapt this to the requirement that NOT
be restricted to at most one operand of an AND
operator, we can write out the possibilities more or less as you did in the original grammar, but respecting the cascading style:
expr: conjunction
| expr OR conjunction
: atom /* NOT is integrated, so no need for 'term' */
| conjunction AND atom
| conjunction AND NOT atom /* Can extend with a negative */
| NOT atom AND atom /* Special case for negative at beginning */
atom: '(' expr ')'
The third rule for conjunction
(conjunction: conjunction AND NOT atom
) allows any number of NOT
applications to be added at the end of a list of operands, but does not allow consecutive NOT
operands at the beginning of the list. A single NOT
at the beginning is allowed by the fourth rule.
If you prefer the rule that a conjunction has to have at least one positive term, you can use the following very simple adaptation:
expr: conjunction
| expr OR conjunction
: atom /* NOT is integrated, so no need for 'term' */
| conjunction AND atom
| conjunction AND NOT atom
| negative AND atom /* Possible initial list of negatives */
negative /* This is not part of the cascade */
: NOT atom
| negative AND NOT atom
atom: '(' expr ')'
In this variant, negative
will match, for example, NOT a AND NOT b AND NOT c
. But because it's not in the cascade, that sequence doesn't automatically become a valid expression. In order for it to be used as an expression, it needs to be part of conjunction: negative AND atom
, which requires that the sequence include a positive.
The %nonassoc
precedence declaration can be used to reject chained use of operators from the same precedence level. It's a bit of a hack, and can sometimes have unexpected consequences. The expected use case is operators like <
in languages like C which don't have special handling for chained comparison; using %nonassoc
you can declare that chaining is illegal in the precedence level for comparison operators.
But %nonassoc
only works within a single precedence level, and it only works if all the operators in the precedence level require the same treatment. If the intended grammar does not fully conform to those requirements, it will be necessary -- as with this grammar -- to abandon the use of precedence declarations and write out an unambiguous grammar.