I'm using Cassandra 0.8.0.
I cannot figure out how to use the Cassandra-Cli to add values to a currently existing SuperColumn. For example: I have added the following to my keyspace
create column family authors
with comparator = UTF8Type and subcomparator = UTF8Type
and default_validation_class = UTF8Type
and column_metadata = [{
column_name: tags, validation_class: UTF8Type},
{column_name: url, validation_class:UTF8Type},
{column_name: title, validation_class: UTF8Type},
{column_name: publisher, validation_class: UTF8Type},
{column_name: email, validation_class: UTF8Type}];
I tried adding a row to this super column doing:
(input)[default@testspace] set authors[1]['1']['url'] = 'www.henry.com';
(output) [default@testspace] null
which is an error^
I try this too:
[default@testspace] set authors['henry']['url']['1'] = 'www.henry.com';
and get:
org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MarshalException: cannot parse 'henry' as hex bytes
what is the proper syntax for manipulating SuperColumns in the Cassandra-Cli? Can you provide an example to set/get values using a supercolumn in cassandra-cli?
Thank you
You need to add
column_type = 'Super' and key_validation_class = UTF8Type
to your column family definition.