I am trying to test my method that simply checks if a letter is in either of the lists of letters. If it is in list a, then I assign myletter to an imported object called yes; Otherwise, I assign myletter to an imported object called no.
I tried to write a testing file using MagicMock for it, but since I am new to the concept of testing using mock and magic mock, I am not sure how to further continue. I would appreciate any tips or any solutions on how to go with it and further continue.
Should I create mock object for each of the lists and another mock object for myletter to check it agains those two mock objects or how else I should continue on doing it?
My code:
from mydir.newdir import yes
from mydir.newdir import no
def yes_no_det(check_letter: str):
first_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
second_list = ['d', 'e', 'f']
myletter = None
if check_letter:
if check_letter in first_list:
myletter = yes.att
elif check_letter in second_list:
myletter = no.att
return myletter
My testing so far:
import unittest
from mock import MagicMock, patch
class letter_check_test(TestCase):
with patch('mydir.newdir.check_letter_py.yes') as mock_yes,\
patch('mydir.newdir.check_letter_py.no') as mock_no:
from mydir.newdir.check_letter_py import yes_no_det
mock_check_letter = MagicMock()
mock_yes = mock_yes.att
mock_no = mock_no.att
def test_check_letter(self):
# I am not sure how further to continue or what to check here
Updated possibly right testing code:
class letter_check_test(TestCase):
def test_yes_det():
assert yes_no_det('a') == mydir.newdir.yes
def test_no_det():
assert yes_no_det('f') == mydir.newdir.no
def test_neither_det():
assert yes_no_det('x') == None
Thank you for any answers. Please let me know if I need to change/delete this post or anything without downgrading or reporting it. I would really appreciate that!
In this case, it was simply use of assert or assertequal code. For example:
class letter_check_testYES(Testing, TestingsCases):
def test_letter_check(self):
with patch('mydir.newdir.check_letter_py.yes') as YES:
from mydir.newdir.check_letter_py import yes_no_det
assert yes_no_det('a') == YES
class letter_check_testNO(Testing, TestingsCases):
def test_letter_check(self):
with patch('mydir.newdir.check_letter_py.no') as NO:
from mydir.newdir.check_letter_py import yes_no_det
assert yes_no_det('f') == YES
class letter_check_test(Testing, TestingsCases):
from mydir.newdir.check_letter_py import yes_no_det
assert yes_no_det('f') == NONE