Search code examples

Shopware 6 fetch parent product through store-api

I'm trying to fetch the parent of a specific product using the store-api.
When I'm adding the parent association, I get the error code FRAMEWORK__PARENT_ASSOCIATION_CAN_NOT_BE_FETCHED

My request looks like this: enter image description here

Do I really have to do a second request using the parentId to get some of the parent product information or is there another way?


  • Instead of trying to find the parent of one variant, you could try searching for products where a child has the ID "xyz". Shopware supports filtering for nested objects like "".

    For example:

    POST /store-api/product
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    sw-access-key: ...
    sw-language-id: ...
      "includes": {
        "product": ["productNumber", "children", "name", ""]
      "associations": {
        "children": []
      "filter": [
        {"field": "", "type": "equals", "value": "f87a875bc5fa47e08ea40a19ce9c5627"}

    Should give you parent and children output:

      "entity": "product",
      "total": 1,
      "aggregations": [],
      "page": 1,
      "limit": null,
      "elements": [
          "productNumber": "252009 00-0002",
          "name": null,
          "children": [
              "productNumber": "252009 00-0002.3",
              "name": null,
              "children": null,
              "translated": {
                "name": "T-Shirt Logo"
              "apiAlias": "product"
              "productNumber": "252009 00-0002.1",
              "name": null,
              "children": null,
              "translated": {
                "name": "T-Shirt Logo"
              "apiAlias": "product"
              "productNumber": "252009 00-0002.4",
              "name": null,
              "children": null,
              "translated": {
                "name": "T-Shirt Logo"
              "apiAlias": "product"
              "productNumber": "252009 00-0002.2",
              "name": null,
              "children": null,
              "translated": {
                "name": "T-Shirt Logo"
              "apiAlias": "product"
          "translated": {
            "name": "T-Shirt Logo"
          "apiAlias": "product"
      "apiAlias": "dal_entity_search_result"