I am trying to cut off the outliers of a variable of a dataframe however it does not perform as expected:
outlier_cutoff1 <- quantile(myd$nov, 0.75) + 1.5 * IQR(myd$nov)
index_outlier1 <- which(myd$nov > outlier_cutoff1)
mydnov <- myd[-index_outlier1, ]
this code does not give error but does not change the outlier values.
There is no need for which
Looking at your code, I think you can remove the "outliers" with the below:
outlier_cutoff1 <- quantile(myd$nov, 0.75) + 1.5 * IQR(myd$nov)
index_outlier1 <- (myd$nov > outlier_cutoff1)
mydnov <- myd[-index_outlier1, ]
Here's a reproducible example that verifiably works (with a vector).
nov <- rnorm(500)
outlier_cutoff1 <- quantile(nov, 0.75) + 1.5 * IQR(nov)
#This is 2.574977
index_outlier1 <- nov > outlier_cutoff1
#This returns a logical vector inticating when each value is greater than 2.574977
mydnov <- nov[-index_outlier1]
length(nov) #500
length(mydnov) #499, one was removed