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How to quickly filter pandas DatetimeIndex by hour

For example, I have a pandas Series as

s=pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)

It is simple to select all rows belong year 2021 by

%timeit -n1 s['2021']

which is super fast, and takes only 407 µs ± 193 µs per loop

Now if I want to select all rows that is at 1 o'clock. The only way I can think of is

%timeit -n1 s[s.index.hour==1]

It is much slower, and takes 28.9 ms ± 1.06 ms per loop

I am thinking that there must be a better approach to this. Because if we use the same method to get rows belong to year 2021, that would be

%timeit -n1 s[s.index.year==2021]

it will takes 28.9 ms too.

So what is the better way to select rows by hour, minute even second?


  • You can try via at_time():



    import datetime