Current Situation
Presently building the application using dotnet build (powershell script) and pushing the zip file to Azure DevOps artifacts using azurepipeline.yml
. This works out fine. I have added another task for ECR Push and that also pushes a generated docker image to the ECR using a Dockerfile in the source code.
Business Problem
We want to be able to chose a specific build (eg 0.1.24) in the Azure Artifact (using a variable to provide version number), and generate a Docker build using the corresponding binaries and the Dockerfile. I am unable to find a way to do so. The specific task is as follows:-
The purpose is to keep on building the branch till we get stable builds. This build is deployed on a test server manually and tested. Once the build gets certified, it needs to be pushed to Production ECR/ECS instances.
Our pipeline (specific code only)
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Clean Protolint Compile --runtime $(runtime)
displayName: ⚙️ Compile
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build
command: build
repository: appRepo
tags: |
addPipelineData: true
Dockerfile: src\DockerfileNew
- task: ECRPushImage@1
awsCredentials: 'AWS ECR Connection'
regionName: 'ap-south-1'
imageSource: 'imagename'
sourceImageName: 'myApplication'
sourceImageTag: 'deploy'
repositoryName: 'devops-demo'
outputVariable: 'imageTagOutputVar'
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Test Coverage --skip
displayName: 🚦 Test
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target BuildImage Pack --runtime $(runtime) --skip
displayName: 📦 Pack
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Publish --runtime $(runtime) --skip
displayName: 🚚 Publish
Artifact details
Any specific aspects needed can be provided
Finally after playing a lot with the pipeline and custom tweaking the individual steps, I came out with the following (excerpted yml).
This involves having a build version to be stored in a variable, which is referenced in each of the steps of the pipeline. The admin has to decide if they want a general build, producing an artifact; or just deploy a specific build to AWS. The variable having the build-id is evaluated conditionally, and based on that, the steps are executed or bypassed.
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Clean Protolint Compile --runtime $(runtime)
condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
displayName: ⚙️ Compile
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
buildType: 'specific'
project: 'NitinProj'
pipeline: 'NitinProj'
buildVersionToDownload: specific
buildId: $(artifactVersionToPush)
downloadType: 'single'
artifactName: 'app'
downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)' #(this needs to be mentioned as default is Build directory)
- task: ExtractFiles@1
displayName: Extract Artifact to temp location
condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
archiveFilePatterns: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/app/*.zip' #path need update
cleanDestinationFolder: false
overwriteExistingFiles: true
destinationFolder: src
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Docker Build image with compiled code in artifact
condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
command: build
repository: myApp
tags: |
addPipelineData: true
Dockerfile: src\DockerfileNew
- task: ECRPushImage@1
displayName: Push built image to AWS ECR
condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
awsCredentials: 'AWS ECR Connection'
regionName: 'ap-south-1'
imageSource: 'imagename'
sourceImageName: 'myApp'
sourceImageTag: 'deploy'
pushTag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
repositoryName: 'devops-demo'
outputVariable: 'imageTagOutputVar'
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Test Coverage --skip
condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
displayName: 🚦 Test
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target BuildImage Pack --runtime $(runtime) --skip
condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
displayName: 📦 Pack
- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Publish --runtime $(runtime) --skip
condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
displayName: 🚚 Publish
I will update this yml to have steps organized into jobs, but that's an optimization story.. :)