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Deploy selected artifact in Azure DevOps as docker image to ECR


  • Azure Dev Ops (code repo and pipeline trigger)
  • AWS ECR/ECS (target deployment platform)
  • Docker
  • .NET Core Web application (v5.0)

Current Situation

Presently building the application using dotnet build (powershell script) and pushing the zip file to Azure DevOps artifacts using azurepipeline.yml. This works out fine. I have added another task for ECR Push and that also pushes a generated docker image to the ECR using a Dockerfile in the source code.

Business Problem

We want to be able to chose a specific build (eg 0.1.24) in the Azure Artifact (using a variable to provide version number), and generate a Docker build using the corresponding binaries and the Dockerfile. I am unable to find a way to do so. The specific task is as follows:-

  1. Deploy user updates variable "versionNoToDeploy" with the artifact id or name
  2. Deploy user runs a specific pipeline
  3. Pipeline finds the artifact (assuming its valid, else sends error), unzips the package at temp location (-need help on)
  4. Pipeline runs dockerfile to build the image (-known & working)
  5. Pipeline pushes this image to ECR (-known & working)

The purpose is to keep on building the branch till we get stable builds. This build is deployed on a test server manually and tested. Once the build gets certified, it needs to be pushed to Production ECR/ECS instances.

Our pipeline (specific code only)

- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Clean Protolint Compile --runtime $(runtime) 
  displayName: ⚙️ Compile

- task: Docker@2
  displayName: Build
     command: build
     repository: appRepo
     tags: |
     addPipelineData: true
     Dockerfile: src\DockerfileNew

- task: ECRPushImage@1
     awsCredentials: 'AWS ECR Connection'
     regionName: 'ap-south-1'
     imageSource: 'imagename'
     sourceImageName: 'myApplication'
     sourceImageTag: 'deploy'
     repositoryName: 'devops-demo'
     outputVariable: 'imageTagOutputVar'

- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Test Coverage --skip
  displayName: 🚦 Test

- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target BuildImage Pack --runtime $(runtime) --skip
  displayName: 📦 Pack

- pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Publish --runtime $(runtime) --skip
  displayName: 🚚 Publish

Artifact details

enter image description here

Any specific aspects needed can be provided


  • Finally after playing a lot with the pipeline and custom tweaking the individual steps, I came out with the following (excerpted yml).

    This involves having a build version to be stored in a variable, which is referenced in each of the steps of the pipeline. The admin has to decide if they want a general build, producing an artifact; or just deploy a specific build to AWS. The variable having the build-id is evaluated conditionally, and based on that, the steps are executed or bypassed.

    - pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Clean Protolint Compile --runtime $(runtime)
      condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
      displayName: ⚙️ Compile
    - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
      condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
         buildType: 'specific'
         project: 'NitinProj'
         pipeline: 'NitinProj'
         buildVersionToDownload: specific
         buildId: $(artifactVersionToPush)
         downloadType: 'single'
         artifactName: 'app'
         downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)'   #(this needs to be mentioned as default is Build directory)
     - task: ExtractFiles@1
       displayName: Extract Artifact to temp location
       condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
         archiveFilePatterns: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/app/*.zip'    #path need update
         cleanDestinationFolder: false
         overwriteExistingFiles: true
         destinationFolder: src
     - task: Docker@2
       displayName: Docker Build image with compiled code in artifact
       condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
         command: build
         repository: myApp
         tags: |
         addPipelineData: true
         Dockerfile: src\DockerfileNew
     - task: ECRPushImage@1
       displayName: Push built image to AWS ECR
       condition: ne(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
         awsCredentials: 'AWS ECR Connection'
         regionName: 'ap-south-1'
         imageSource: 'imagename'
         sourceImageName: 'myApp'
         sourceImageTag: 'deploy'
         pushTag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
         repositoryName: 'devops-demo'
         outputVariable: 'imageTagOutputVar'
     - pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Test Coverage --skip
       condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
       displayName: 🚦 Test
     - pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target BuildImage Pack --runtime $(runtime) --skip
       condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
       displayName: 📦 Pack
     - pwsh: ./build.ps1 --target Publish --runtime $(runtime) --skip
       condition: eq(variables['artifactVersionToPush'], '')
       displayName: 🚚 Publish

    I will update this yml to have steps organized into jobs, but that's an optimization story.. :)