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Qlik -create calculated Dimension to show barchart from month start untill filter date(5-4-4 calendar)

I have a master calendar(5-4-4) that look like the below image.

Master calender

I have a Date column in the Sales table. I'm using that Date column in the Selection pane(Filter).

Example Scenario:

now I selected Selection pane date '15-10-2020', bar-chart only showing '15-10-2020' sales only. but I need to look up the master calendar and show the dimension from the start_month date to until selected date

Expected Output: bar chart needs to show dimensions from '28-09-2020' to '15-10-2020'


  • The approach is to generate dates from Start_Month to TransDate (made up field name)

    Lets say that this is the data we have:

    Load * inline [
    TransDate , Value
    15-10-2020, 100
    27-07-2021, 50
    Load * inline [
    Start_Month, End_Month , Month_number
    28-09-2020 , 01-11-2020, 1
    02-11-2020 , 29-11-2020, 2
    30-11-2020 , 27-12-2020, 3
    28-12-2020 , 31-01-2021, 4
    01-02-2021 , 28-02-2021, 5
    01-03-2021 , 28-03-2021, 6
    29-03-2021 , 02-05-2021, 7
    03-05-2021 , 30-05-2021, 8
    31-05-2021 , 27-06-2021, 9
    28-06-2021 , 01-08-2021, 10
    02-08-2021 , 29-08-2021, 11
    30-08-2021 , 26-09-2021, 12

    The first step is to find in which interval each TransDate is part of. For this we'll use IntervalMatch function

    Inner Join
    IntervalMatch ( TransDate )

    At this point MasterCalendar_Temp table will look like:

    So we now know the perid for each TransDate


    The next step is to load the MasterCalendar_Temp data into a separate table but concatenate Start_Month and TransDate into one:

      Start_Month & '_' & TransDate as Start_TransDate_Temp
    Resident MasterCalendar_Temp;
    // we dont need this table anymore
    Drop Table MasterCalendar_Temp;

    Once we have it we can start creating our dates

    // loop through each value in Start_TransDate_Temp field
    // for each step extract Start_Month and TransDate values
    // use these two values to generate the dates between them
    for i = 1 to FieldValueCount('Start_TransDate_Temp')
      let value = FieldValue('Start_TransDate_Temp', $(i));
      let startDate = num(SubField('$(value)', '_', 1));
      let transDate = num(SubField('$(value)', '_', 2));
        date('$(transDate)', 'DD-MM-YYYY') as TransDate,
        date($(startDate) + IterNo() - 1, 'DD-MM-YYYY') AS DisplayDates
        $(startDate) + IterNo() -1 <= $(transDate)
    // we dont need this table anymore
    Drop Table MasterCalendar;

    And thats it!

    After the script is reloaded we'll have two tables:

    data model

    Transactions table is untouched and Dates table will have values like this:

    Dates table

    As you can see for each TransDate we have the range of dates (from the correcponding Start_Month to TransDate

    If we construct a simple bar chart (with DisplayDates as dimension and sum(Value) as measure) and do not apply any selections:

    BarChart 1

    And if select one TransDate:

    BarChart 2