I'd like to use the extension, angular-material-extensions/select-country. The installation instruction comes from here, https://github.com/angular-material-extensions/select-country.
I did follow the instruction: installing via npm, and the result looks like this
as you can see, it cannot show the corresponding country flag. I got the error
ERROR Error: Error retrieving icon :zm! Http failure response for http://localhost:4200/assets/svg-country-flags/svg/zm.svg: 404 Not Found
I guess the problem that the app cannot find out where the images are located. But I do not really know how to fix this.
Looks like there is an error in library documentation with path. Angular 12.
In angular.json I fixed path and flags started to show correctly:
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "./node_modules/svg-country-flags/svg",
"output": "/assets/svg-country-flags/svg"