I vaguely remember having trouble with scanf and today I met this phenomenon again. I guess it's a well known problem(?). This is a simple test code to test scanf.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int8_t buff[1024];
int main()
char option;
printf("Welcome to the demo of character device driver...\n");
while (1) {
printf("***** please enter your option *****\n");
printf(" 1. Write \n");
printf(" 2. Read \n");
printf(" 3. Exit \n");
scanf("%c", &option); // line 18
printf("your option = %c\n", option);
switch(option) {
case '1' :
printf("Enter the string(with no space) :\n");
//scanf("%[\t\n]s", buff);
scanf("%s", buff); // line 24
case '2' :
printf("Data = %s\n", buff);
case '3' :
default :
printf("Enter valid option. option = %c\n", option);
When I run it(I used debugger to track it), when scanf("%c", &option);
in line 18 runs the second time, the '\n' character left out from the last scanf("%s", buff);
in line 24 is input, making option
and the switch statement prints the complaint about the option and skips to the while loop.
I observed that if I change scanf("%c", &option);
to scanf(" %c", &option);
, the problem is gone. How should I understand this phenomenon? What effect does it have to have a space or a tab before %c or %s when using scanf function?
From the C Standard ( The fscanf function)
5 A directive composed of white-space character(s) is executed by reading input up to the first non-white-space character (which remains unread), or until no more characters can be read.
Thus using a format with leading white-spaces as in this call of scanf
scanf(" %c", &option);
results in skipping white spaces in the input stream buffer.