I have a cart functionnality on my website.
I display the cart on two different page (cart.html.twig and home.html.twig) and I can modify the cart on those 2 pages.
When I'm suppose to increment a product+1 with the button I'm redirected to A SINGLE ROUTE.
If the user increment the product on the homepage I want to him to be redirected to the homepage, and if he increment the product on the cart page I want to him to be redirected to the cart page, how im suppose to do this, I'm little bit lost.
There is a way to redirect to the previous page ?
There is the code :
class CartService {
protected $session;
protected $productRepository;
public function __construct(SessionInterface $session, ProductRepository $productRepository){
$this->session = $session;
$this->productRepository = $productRepository;
public function add(int $id){
$cart = $this->session->get('cart', []);
} else {
$cart[$id] = 1;
$this->session->set('cart', $cart);
public function remove(int $id) {
$cart = $this->session->get('cart', []);
if($cart[$id] > 1){
} else {
$this->session->set('cart', $cart);
public function delete(int $id){
$cart = $this->session->get('cart', []);
$this->session->set('cart', $cart);
public function getFullCart() : array{
$cart = $this->session->get('cart', []);
$cartWithData = [];
foreach($cart as $id => $quantity){
$cartWithData[] = [
'product' => $this->productRepository->find($id),
'quantity' => $quantity
return $cartWithData;
public function getTotal(): float{
$total = 0;
foreach($this->getFullCart() as $item){
$total += $item['product']->getPrice() * $item['quantity'];
return $total;
THE CONTROLLER of cartpage:
class CartController extends AbstractController{
* @Route ("/cart", name = "cart")
public function cart(CartService $cartservice){
return $this->render(
'items' => $cartservice->getFullCart(),
'total' => $cartservice->getTotal()
* @Route ("/cart/add/{id}", name = "add_cart")
public function add($id, CartService $cartservice, Request $request){
return $this->redirectToRoute('homepage');
* @Route ("/cart/remove/{id}", name="remove_cart")
public function remove($id, CartService $cartservice){
return $this->redirectToRoute('homepage');
* @Route ("/cart/delete/{id}", name="delete_cart")
public function delete($id, CartService $cartservice){
return $this->redirectToRoute('homepage');
And I also display a part of the cart on my homepage, I display the price / name / quantity of the card, the controller of my homepage "HomeController.php":
* @Route("/", name="homepage")
public function home(ProductRepository $productRepository, CategoryRepository $categoryRepository, CartService $cartService) : Response{
$productRepository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Product::class);
$products = $productRepository->findAll();
$categories = $categoryRepository->findAll();
return $this->render(
'products' => $products,
'categories' => $categories,
'total' => $cartService->getTotal(),
'items' => $cartService->getFullCart()
I tried this on the function add in CartController.php
* @Route ("/cart/add/{id}", name = "add_cart")
public function add($id, CartService $cartservice, Request $request){
$uri = $request->attributes->get("_route");
return $this->redirectToRoute($uri);
but it doesnt work, it say to me "Some mandatory parameters are missing ("id") to generate a URL for route "add_cart"." and the product increment x30. I think the function loop on the route cart/add/{id}.
I just need to get the referer like this :
* @Route ("/cart/add/{id}", name = "add_cart")
public function add($id, CartService $cartservice, Request $request){
$route = $request->headers->get('referer');
return $this->redirect($route);
and i get redirect to the previous page