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After completing npm audit fix, git status shows a bunch of modified/deleted node_modules files. How can I ignore them or delete?

I tried adding node_modules/ to my .gitignore, but that didn't work. This is a small snippet of what I'm seeing:

$ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add/rm ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: .gitignore modified: node_modules/.bin/acorn modified: node_modules/.bin/acorn.cmd deleted: node_modules/.bin/babylon deleted: node_modules/.bin/babylon.cmd modified: node_modules/.bin/concurrently modified: node_modules/.bin/concurrently.cmd modified: node_modules/.bin/mime modified: node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd modified: node_modules/.bin/semver modified: node_modules/.bin/semver.cmd modified: node_modules/.bin/tree-kill modified: node_modules/.bin/tree-kill.cmd deleted: node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs deleted: node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.cmd deleted: node_modules/.bin/which deleted: node_modules/.bin/which.cmd deleted: node_modules/@types/babel-types/LICENSE deleted: node_modules/@types/babel-types/ deleted: node_modules/@types/babel-types/index.d.ts deleted: node_modules/@types/babel-types/package.json deleted: node_modules/@types/babylon/LICENSE deleted: node_modules/@types/babylon/ deleted: node_modules/@types/babylon/index.d.ts deleted: node_modules/@types/babylon/package.json


  • As per the output, It seems like the files under node_modules directory was already been tracked by git.

    You also need to remove node_modules folder from git tracking

    git rm -r --cached node_modules/

    git will still show changes (deleted changes) for node_modules/ directory , as those files are now removed from git history

    make a commit, from next time files under that directory will not be monitored