I have apache jmeter 5.4.1, and I try to install plugin manager but not successful. After put the correct file into lib\ext, but next when I click options -> plugin manger, I will the " Javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:.........unable to find valid certification path to requested target". I am not sure what certificate I need to request target? Really appreciate any help. Thanks!
It seems that you cannot securely connect to JMeter Plugins repository, the default address is https://jmeter-plugins.org/repo/
Most probably your organization or ISP has a MITM certificate somewhere to capture and decrypt your network traffic, you can check it using i.e. OpenSSL command line tool like:
openssl s_client -connect jmeter-plugins.org:443
Pay attention to the certificate chain, mine looks as at the image above, in your case OpenSSL will print what's wrong. If there is an extra certificate you will need to import it into your Truststore and point JMeter to use this truststore by using the following JMeter System Properties:
# Truststore properties (trusted certificates)
javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType [default = KeyStore.getDefaultType()]
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